Module Contents
Put surfaces from Hground (the "ground") and Hsheet (the "sheet") onto an ax. ax must |
Plot contours of a 3-D surface in 2-d. |
- uavfpy.planner.plots.plot_surface_3d(ax: mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D, X, Y, Hground, Hsheet, zsquash=0.5, sheetcmap='gist_earth', groundcmap='bone', sheet_alpha=0.4, wireframe=False, wirecount=20)
Put surfaces from Hground (the “ground”) and Hsheet (the “sheet”) onto an ax. ax must be a 3d axis.
- Parameters
- axAxes3D
the axis on which to place the surfaces.
- Xnp.ndarray
MxN x coordinate information of the grid
- Ynp.ndarray
MxN y coordinate information of the grid
- Hgroundnp.ndarray
MxN “ground” height.
- Hsheetnp.ndarray
MxN “sheet” height
- zsquashfloat, optional
by default, the 3d projection will render a cube. But this can make obstacles appear very tall. So we can squish the grid a bit to make it more like a 3d map and less like a cube., by default 0.5
- sheetcmapstr, optional
colormap of the sheet, by default “ocean”
- groundcmapstr, optional
colormap of the ground, by default “copper”
- sheet_alphafloat, optional
alpha of the sheet. 1.0 is completely opaque, 0.0 is not visible, by default 0.4
- wireframebool, optional
whether to draw wireframe or surface
- Returns
- Axes3D
ax containing the new plots the ax object passed in is altered in place, so you don’t necessarily need to do anything with this (just calling the function on ax is enough to alter the object)
- uavfpy.planner.plots.plot_surface_2d(ax, X, Y, Hsheet, cmap='coolwarm', levels=20)
Plot contours of a 3-D surface in 2-d.
- Parameters
- axplt.Axes
The axis on which to draw the plot. Must be 2D.
- Xnp.ndarray
MxN array of grid X-points.
- Ynp.ndarray
MxN array of grid Y-points.
- Hsheetnp.ndarray
MxN array of grid Z-points.
- cmapstr, optional
name of matplotlib colormap. See:, by default “coolwarm”
- levelsint, optional
Number of contour levels, by default 20
- Returns
- plt.Axes
The plot axes object. Note: plot axes are altered in place by this function, so you don’t need to assign it.