
Module Contents



Object representing a mission.


get_xformer_from_CRS_str(from_str: str, to_str: str)

Get pyproj transformer from string. Example strings are:






uavfpy.planner.mission.FT2METER = 3.28084
uavfpy.planner.mission.METER2FT = 0.3048
uavfpy.planner.mission.get_xformer_from_CRS_str(from_str: str, to_str: str)

Get pyproj transformer from string. Example strings are:

“Irvine” - Near Irvine area (feet) “Maryland” - Near Maryland area (feet) “WGS84” - WGS84 latitude/longitude coordinates


Key in CRS corresponding to a place


Key in CRS corresponding to a place


the Pyproj transformer object.

class uavfpy.planner.mission.Mission(mission_json: str, wgs2loc: pyproj.Transformer, loc2wgs: pyproj.Transformer, grid_buffer: Tuple[float, float], grid_max_npoints: Tuple[int, int], grid_stepxy: Tuple[float, float])

Bases: object

Object representing a mission.


Json string containing the mission. You can obtain this from the interop server.


transform projection from WGS84 to local coordinate system


transform projection from local coordinate system to WGS84

grid_bufferTuple[float, float]

the buffer to add around the outside boundaries of the misssion when creating the occupancygrid, in feet

grid_max_npointsTuple[int, int]

maximum number of points in the x,y direction to use when creating the occupancygrid. Set this to be the largest grid you want to process/plan over.

grid_stepxyTuple[float, float]

desired step size in the x,y direction when creating the occupancygrid. This step size is used only when the resulting grid size is under grid_max_npoints in the x or y direction.

get_occupancygrid(self, boundaries: numpy.ndarray, Hterrain: numpy.ndarray, alt_max: float) numpy.ndarray

Get the occupancy grid for the mission. The occupancy grid is a grid where 0 is the allowable space and 1 is the forbidden space. The vehicle cannot fly outside of the mission bounds, or at any x,y location where the obstacle is higher than the maximum altitude. However, x,y positions where the obstacle is shorter than the maximum altitude can be flown by the vehicle. The surface planner will route the vehicle over those obstacles – therefore, their x,y position is marked valid.


ordered boundary points


Height of the “terrain.” This is the array containing a static obstacle height for each space in x,y. z=0 where there is no static obstacle, z=obs_height where there is a static obstacle.


max altitude for this region


MxN array of 0s and 1s, where 1 is the forbidden space and 0 is the allowed space. So, for an i,j grid point corresponding to some X[ij], Y[ij] pair, we can query the occupancygrid returned by this function to determine if the vehicle is allowed there.

cover_grid(self, poly: numpy.ndarray, buffer: Tuple[float, float], max_npoints: Tuple[int, int], stepxy: Tuple[float, float])

get a grid of points which cover a polygon. Polygon is an ordered list of boundary points in the local coordinate system. buffer is the buffer around the polygon. max_npoints is the maximum points in both x and y direcitons. stepxy is the desired size of a grid cell in the x and y directions. this method will return a grid covering the polygon (plus the buffer) with either the desired step size or the maximum number of points, whichever is smaller.

For example: if my polygon covers a region of 90m x 90m, and my grid buffer is (5m, 5m), the grid will be (100m x 100m). If I then specify a max number of points of (100 x 100), the grid (with the max number of points!) is a (100x100) grid with each cell being 1m x 1m. If I specify a step size of (5m x 5m), though, I will get a grid that is (20 x 20).

It is recommended to create a grid with sufficient resolution to produce accurate paths (i.e., a grid with a cell size of 100m x 100m is useless if I want to plan paths to within 3m x 3m!). But not with resolution that is so large that computing paths will take a crazy amount of time to plan.


Polygon to cover, as (M x 2) ndarray in local coordinate system.

bufferTuple[float, float]

Buffer in x and y direction.

max_npointsTuple[int, int]

Max number of grid points to produce in (x,y) direction.

stepxyTuple[float, float]

Desired cell dimensions in x and y direction.

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, tuple]

X coordinates of the grid, Y coordinates of the grid, and a single cell’s size.

get_nearest_grid_idx(self, x, y)

Get index of the nearest grid point in (X, Y) to a point (x, y)


point x


point y


array of grid points X


array of grid points Y

json_get_boundaries(self) Tuple[list, list, list]

get mission boundaries. missions can, according to the schema, have multiple areas. Each of these areas would have a list of boundaries and a max/min height.

Tuple[list, list, list]

mission boundaries. The first is a list-of-lists containing boundaries in local coordinates, the second is a list of max altitudes, and the third is a list of min altitudes.

json_get_search_boundaries(self) numpy.ndarray

get search boundaries in local coordinates as ordered ndarray


search boundaries

json_get_ordered_waypoints(self) numpy.ndarray

get the ordered waypoints in local coordinate frame as ndarray


ordered waypoints in local coordinate system

json_get_obstacles(self) list

get obstacles from the mission json


list of obstacles as list of dict with keys x, y, r, h

get_Hsurf(self) numpy.ndarray

Get the optimal surface height for each grid point


The surface height for each grid point


If solve_Hsurf() has not been called

solve_Hsurf(self, buffer: float, max_dh: float, max_d2h: float, solve_shape: tuple = (100, 100), verbose: bool = True)

Solve the surface given mission parameters. This method may take some time to run, and may fail to run if a convergent solution cannot be found. The method downsamples the terrain object to size solve_shape, solves a convex optimization problem over that downscaled terrain to produce the optimal surface, then upscales the surface to the original terrain (and hence, occupancy grid) size. small values of solve_shape will result in faster convergence, but may produce quantization artifacts.

buffer, max_dh, and max_d2h are parameters of the optimization problem; in general, small values of max_dh and max_d2h will cause the surface to be “smoother” but may also result in an infeasible problem. In particular, if waypoints are at different altitudes, but placed very close to one another, max_dh and max_d2h must be set large enough to produce a feasible path between the two waypoints.

It is recommended that you experiment with these parameters for your particular mission to avoid solver errors.

This method calls the method surface.get_optimal_grid().


vertical safety buffer between the solved sheet and the surface of objects.


maximum dh/dxy allowed for the vehicle. A dh/dxy of 1 means that the vehicle can climb or descend at most 1 meter for every meter of horizontal distance travelled.


maximum d2h/dxy^2 allowed for the vehicle. Setting this smaller means that the vehicle can pitch up or down slower.

solve_shapetuple, optional

shape of the grid over which the optimization problem is solved. Larger values for this grid will be more accurate, but will take longer and may introduce solver errors, by default (100, 100)

verbosebool, optional

whether to print verbose solver information, by default True

compute_plan_thru_waypoints(self, waypoints: numpy.ndarray, n: int = 2500, r_rewire: float = - 1.0, plot=False)
transform_to_wgs84(self, array: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Method to transform an (Mx2) array to WGS84 coordinates. (M x 3) arrays can be passed in but only the first two columns are touched.


(M x 2+) array of M points in local coordinate system


(M x 2) array of transformed points in WGS84 coordinates

transform_from_wgs84(self, array: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Method to transform an (Mx2) array from WGS84 coordinates to local coordinates. (M x 3) arrays can be passed in but only the first two columns are touched.


(M x 2+) array of M points in WGS84 coordinates


(M x 2) array of M points in local coordinates
